The breasts can be an important part of the physique for many women. Breast shape, size, symmetry, and proportion can play a role in confidence, clothing options, sexuality, and self esteem.
Recovery After Tuberous Breast Surgery
Once the surgery is complete, Dr. Kahng and his staff are available to you at any time. You will have a follow up after the first week, then another at six weeks. After one year, Dr. Kahng will want to see you again to be completely certain your breast health and results are exactly what you want them to be.
What to expect as you recover:
- You will have drain tubes for 4-5 days and wear a surgical bra. For the first two weeks, your breasts may feel firm and swollen.
- After about a week, you may drive, go to work and continue with your usual activities. Do be sure to take it easy and refrain from any rigorous or demanding exercise until three weeks have passed.
- Your breasts will heal and resettle over the next three months. At that point, you will be able to enjoy the final shape and size of your new breasts.